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Moot Court Association

The Moot Court Association (“MCA”) of National Law Institute University (“NLIU”) is the official student body which oversees all the mooting and related activities in which the institution participates as well as the activities which are hosted on the campus. Presently, the MCA comprises 12 student members and the faculty-in charge for supervising the functions of MCA.

The MCA is one of the most significant student bodies working on the campus. Given the number of opportunities it provides to the students, the MCA has a direct bearing on the future of the students and the institution itself. Since the year of its constitution, it has been working consistently and tirelessly for the welfare of the students of NLIU. It gives students a plethora of opportunities to explore and participate in a number of mooting and co-curricular activities. The students of NLIU have consistently been performing phenomenally well at national and international level competitions which helps the MCA to set new standards of excellence every passing year.

The MCA, presently, hosts three national and international level events on the campus of NLIU and these are:

  1. The NLIU Justice R.K. Tankha Memorial International Moot Court Competition
  2. NLIU National Corporate Law Moot Court Competition
  3. NLIU-Link Legal National Client Counselling Competition

The MCA, on behalf of NLIU, enters into collaborations with eminent lawyers, firms, media etc. to customize the experiences of the participants of these events. Our present collaborators include the Hon’ble Mr. Vivek Tankha,Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Member of Parliament, Link Legal – India Law Services, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, the International Chamber of Commerce, L&L Partners Law Offices, Manupatra, Lawctopus and many others.

The University’s performance over the years in national and international events has been remarkable. Some of the recent highlights include:

  • Semi-Finalists and Honourable Mention as a Speaker: Herbert Smith Freehills King’s College London Competition Law Moot Court Competition, 2019. 
  • Semi-Finalist: LPU-Tesside International Moot Court Competition, 2019.
  • Quarter-Finalist: 5th Amity National Trial Advocacy Competition, 2019.
  • Quarter-Finalist: 10th School of Law, Christ University National Moot Court Competition, 2019.
  • Quarter-Finalist: 19th Henry Dunant Memorial International Moot Court Competition, 2019.
  • Runners Up, Best Speaker and 2nd Best Researcher: 5th NUJS-AIFTP Justice Dr. BP SARAF National Tax Moot, 2019.
  • Quarter-Finalist: 9th Institute of Law, Nirma University, National Moot Court Competition, 2019.
  • Winners: 13th Pro Bono Enviro International Law Moot Court Competition, 2019.
  • Quarter-Finalists: 1st DME Trial by Advocacy Competition, 2019.
  • Best Memorial and Quarter Finalists: 7th Lex Omnia-BITS Pilani (Goa)-NALSAR Hyderabad National Moot Court Competition, 2019. 
  • Quarter-Finalists: 3rd NLUD Insolvency and Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition, 2019.
  • Semi-Finalists and 2nd Best Memorial: South Asia Rounds of the Oxford Price-Media Moot Court Competition, 2019-20.
  • Runners-Up: 2nd Justice Y.K. Sabharwal Constitutional Law Moot, 2019, NLU Delhi.

The MCA, presently, comprises of:

Faculty in-charge: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Yadav (Associate Professor)

Convenor: Dhruv Khurana

Co-convenor: Jasvinder Singh

Secretary: Pulkit Zamindar

Joint-Secretary:Harshit Shrivastava

3rd year-batch representatives:

Nipunj Niket

Neha Goyal

2nd year-batch representatives:

Khushbu Turki

Diksha Bhatt

1st year-batch representatives:

Akshita Dhawan

Utkarsh Vats

Bakshind Singh

Rounak Doshi


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