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Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hrishikesh Roy 

On 23rd September, 2019, Justice Hrishikesh Roy took oath as a Judge of the Supreme Court. He served as the 35th Chief Justice of the High Court of Kerala since 8th August, 2018. Earlier on 29.05.2018, he was transferred from the Gauhati High Court.

Justice Hrishikesh Roy was born on 1st February 1960. He obtained his LL.B Degree from Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi in 1982. On 21.12.2004, he was designated as Senior Advocate, by the Gauhati High Court.

Justice Roy was sworn-in as an Additional Judge of Gauhati High Court on 12.10.2006 and served as permanent Judge with effect from 15.07.2008. In Assam, while heading the Mediation Monitoring Committee, the film Shako (Bridge) was produced and this film was used as a training tool in the Mediation programmes. The Arunachal Pradesh Legal Services authority led by Justice Roy, produced Apne Ajnabi, a short film on the theme of racial prejudice and the film is about how legal help can be provided for the needy, under the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987.

As the Executive Head of the Assam State Legal Services Authority, Justice Roy had implemented the Reach Out & Respond programme, to facilitate access to justice, for the marginalised sections of Assam. He was spearheading the training programmes for the Judicial Officers under the Gauhati High Court and was nominated as a member of the National Judicial Academic Council, headed by the Chief Justice of India. For about 10 years the News Letter ATMAN was published regularly for the Gauhati High Court under Justice Roy’s editorship.


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