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Neha Rai Mathur

Vice President-(Legal) Trust & Estate Planning,

Centrum Wealth Limited,

(B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) Batch 2000-05),

“5 years at NLIU, Bhopal – Those were the best days of my life! I am thankful and proud to be an Alumna of NLIU! My degree not only facilitated me to become a qualified lawyer, that made my parents proud, it prepared me for life…off course by providing me a lucrative job and the rest i.e., healthy and happy family life followed! Education at NLIU equipped me to deal with challenging issues in my professional life with ease, it gave me a good grip over communication and the most cherished part is association with intellectuals each one exuberating in the legal fraternity….my friends for life! “


National Law Institute University, Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal-462044

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